Matthew Moore

Actor, Director, Writer, Teacher

  • MFA in Classical Acting from George Washington University

  • Wrote and performed 6 original works for thousands of people nationally

  • 20+ years teaching theatre and communication on a collegiate level

  • Speech (Forensics) coach with 5 State Championships in Ohio

  • Jebby Award winner for role of Father in Eurydice

  • Arts grant winner from the Greater Columbus Arts Council

 Matthew’s Acting Portfolio


Matthew Moore in his Jebby award-winning role, Father, in Eurydice.

Voice Acting


Stage Acting

Career Favorites

  • Role of Gerald in the play Murderers, put on by CATCO theatre and directed by Jon Putnam

  • Jebby award-winning role of Father in the play Eurydice, put on by Actors’ Theatre Co. and directed by Beth Josephson

  • Role of Captain in the play Twelfth Night, put on by the Human Race theatre company and directed by Aaron Vega

  • Role of Iago in Othello, put on by Actors’ Theatre Co. and directed by Matt Hermes

  • Role of Corin in the play As You Like It, put on by First Folio Theatre and directed by Skyler Schrempp

  • Role of Tevye in Fiddler On The Roof, put on by Springfield Arts Council and directed by Susan Taylor

Telling good stories and helping others do the same.


Telling good stories well and helping others do the same: That’s what gets me up in the morning.

I have 20 years’ experience as a collegiate prof, teaching and mentoring a whole lot of amazing students. I helped them give voice to their stories and to be fully present as they tell someone else’s.

Together we found more empathy for the people around us, and that’s fulfilling stuff.

Performances have featured great acting, dynamic live music, and compelling visual art

Matthew performing in mixed media production with music and fine art

I love combining art forms together, so my performances often feature great acting, dynamic live music, and compelling visual art.

Collaborating with other artists brings out the creativity in everyone. It's true synergy: my idea + their idea = something greater than what any one person can dream up!

Matthew and a second actor perform in his adaptation of the Christmas story, The True Light.